100 Years of July Heat

100 Years of July Heat

Tucson (and those of us in it) have survived another July.

In Tucson, July is essentially the hump day of summer. Situated after what is typically an incredibly hot and dry June, and before an entire month of August that tends to keep most of the city remaining indoors or running for the closest swimming pool.

Thus July is always somewhat painful in Tucson, but this July was different! It’s always hot… but this year July was HOT!!

There are always seems to be a couple of days where temps are at or above 110ºF, but this year, there were 14 days in July at or above that mark. Nearly 3x the next closest year.

A couple of years ago, in 2021, we had another record breaking summer. That year, July brought the most ever rainfall recorded in the month, and had us canoeing down the park in the common area within our neighborhood.

I’ve always loved Weather Radials infographic poster by Raureif and wanted to visualize something in that same vein.

The viz is shown below. Click through to interact and enjoy on Tableau Public!

100 Years of July Weather in Tucson, Arizona

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