About Me

I’m a husband. Father. Enneagram 3w4 and pursuer of Jesus along with my wife and 4 kids. I work in Data Visualization in Tucson, Arizona where I also serve and lead at Northwest Bible Church.

I’m a husband. Father. Enneagram 3w4 and pursuer of Jesus along with my wife and 4 kids. I work in Data Visualization in Tucson, Arizona where I also serve and lead at Northwest Bible Church.

About the Blog

I learn by writing. I process through writing. For me, transient information becomes permanent knowledge through writing. I enjoy the act of it and all the creativity and challenges that writing requires. The purpose of this blog is simply to provide me a medium to engage in that process, and to share and to contribute to the larger discussion in a small and humble way.

This blog will likely be as eclectic as my own interests. At times it will be focused on aspects related to my work in data visualization. At other times it will be related to books I’m reading, theology I’m reflecting on, or other ideas I’m thinking about and processing. Feel free to read or not read, and to engage or comment. Thanks!


If you are interested in connecting feel free to reach out to me on twitter, LinkedIn, or by filling out the form below: